how to start reading more

1 minute read

I envy those who started reading books when they were in class 4. I was too busy trying to become the fastest bowler in my street and books didn’t really help much in that pursuit.

The only books that I picked up were the course books and that too only during the exam times.

But I developed a habit of reading in the later years of my adolscence. While I still read at an average throughput, it is better than where I started.

so you want to read more, here is a simple guide:

  1. Start with things that you like, it could be anything that interests you - cricket, kardashians, religion, cars, veganism, climate, trump, orgasms.
  2. Find books that interests you, not the ones that you would like to finish and share with the world but those that would keep you away from instagram.
  3. Pick some graphic novels and comics.
  4. Create a feed of interests using feedly or flipboard.
  5. Save whatever articles you like on pocket or instapaper or matter. I like pocket a lot. Save your articles and then read them as you go.

I am writing this as I have taken a break from reading books for quite some time now. I will be restarting reading more blogs and books in the next quarter and this is a guideline that I will be using.